So you’re having a boy…

“Well this one’s definitely a boy” I hear the ultrasound tech say as I lay there with that wand thing on my belly. Then sure enough I see the confirmation without her pointing it out. Visual confirmation much easier this time around. Wow a boy. I mean I knew there was a good chance at least fifty percent but for some reason this announcement needs time to sink in. I don’t know why, I think I just kind of expected same thing as last time. Maybe my brain just had trouble because as cool as it is, it feels like a totally new job in some ways, and one for which I’m somehow less qualified for because I’m not a dude myself. For instance that crazy voice change thing where they sound weird for a while and then like overnight you hear them on the phone and you think it’s their dad, that will happen to this little person one day. It all seems so mysterious! And then someday he has to go to a different bathroom than leia and I when does that have to start?  And hey using the potty its different for him altogether so many differences!
Did I mention how much I love finding out the gender!!!!? I must say I feel so much more connected to the pregnancy now and knowing it is a he and not an it is so different. I can let all this sink in and I can get excited about having a little man around the house. Plus I can get boy clothes and really cool I don’t have to paint his room its already a boy color! The theme is outer space, think retro rocket ships and stars.
Never been more thankful for my husband maybe! I didn’t really have both a mom and dad a lot of my childhood and I just see how important it is for both of my kids, but yeah especially with a son on the way. Mom can support but there will be so much only dad can understand and vice versa with Leia.
One other note now that people know we are having a boy I often feel this subtle “oh so you can be done” vibe. Like we just needed a matching set of children?  I feel it subtly in my mind as well, I mean I make it no secret I don’t love pregnancy and labor. It’s a privilege to partner with God in creating life yes, but I admit I  just get through this process the best I can. I’ve read the books and I know what riki lake thinks and think its cool how excited so many of my friends get about all that stuff but at the end of the day it’s just not my thing. I can’t get that into it. I would love to not do it all again but I’m not assuming I’m off the hook because I’m having a boy. These are human beings not accessories 😉 So don’t be surprised if another little Scoggins comes into the world someday but man if it’s another boy I have no idea what we will name it because naming this one boy is proving really hard. …

One thought on “So you’re having a boy…

  1. Very happy for you guys! Good luck with all the new challenges. I know you’ll both be just as great with a son as you have been with Leia! And don’t worry about other people’s expectations of how many kids you will or won’t have. I have a friend who had her seventh and last this year and they got a lot of comments from people, but they knew when their family was complete and so will you guys! No one else gets to make that decision for you. ❤

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