Fat Pants

Having Leia was the most successful weight loss plan of my life but there was no plan I was shocked! You see I puked my way through the first 23 weeks of the pregnancy and lost ten pounds never had a huge appetite and ended up with no baby weight after she came out. If that wasn’t enough breast feeding made me lose more weight! I was actually thinner than before I was pregnant what the heck?!
I do not think this will be the case with baby number 2. I’m not puking so far and that’s good of course but the only way to keep from puking is eating this time, I don’t particularly enjoy it kind of hate it actually but that’s the situation. Plus with baby 2 you pop out so much quicker and I’m in this awkward place of not looking pregnant but not looking like I looked without a bun in the oven. I’m mostly just wearing maternity pants because I don’t care and they are more comfortable but I have a couple of two sizes too big for old me pants I use too 😦
This is bothering me a little. I’m not typically into obsessing over my weight The Lord delivered me from that game a while ago but I was just at my thinnest and healthiest I had been in so long exercise and diet had paid off and now I feel like a blob, a blob who feels milkshakes really help stop her from puking. Awesome sauce.

4 thoughts on “Fat Pants

  1. Hey, I’ve had seven children and lost the weight each time without effort. Some of that is genetics, but it just might be a myth that having babies makes you fat! I would encourage you to embrace this season of “fatness” like it says in Isaiah 55, and know that the future will hold something different. Breastfeeding really melts the fat off. Just don’t get used to eating so much!

    • Thank you! I would be willing to bet on the side of myth and anyway genetics aren’t everything I think once I feel better and get back to my healthy diet combined with breast feeding surely weight will come off!

  2. Aww, I know what it’s like to not fit into my skinny clothes-I kind of got fat and happy when I met Dave and gained. But it’s all good. I hope you can stop with the force-feeding eventually and things go smoothly with #2!

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